Personajes que son capaces de sellar a otros en objeto o zona.
Todos los artículos (374)
- Maxwell (Don't Starve)
- May (Pokémon)
- Mecha Sonic (Scrambled Egg Zone)
- Mechikabura
- Medicine Melancholy
- Meikai
- Meilin Lee
- Merlin Prismriver
- Metal Sonic
- Metal Sonic 3.0
- Mima (Touhou Project)
- Mirai
- Misogi Kumagawa
- Miyabi
- Moge-ko
- Moon Knight (Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel)
- Moonlight Cookie
- Morty Smith
- Mothra (Era Heisei)
- Mónica Lamprey
- Receptáculo Roto
- Red (Pokémon Remakes)
- Red (Pokémon)
- Usuario Blog:Reichspaktdidnothingwrong/Cookie Run Hax's actualización
- Reimu Hakurei
- Reina del Carnaval
- Retsu Unohana
- Revchi Salik
- Rey Dedede
- Rey Olly
- Rick Sánchez
- Rill Boismortier
- Rip Indra (Blox Fruits)
- Robloxiano (Composite)
- Robloxiano (Doors)
- Robloxiano (Elemental Battlegrounds)
- Robot Death Egg
- Rouge the Bat
- Roxanne (Pokémon Remakes)
- Roxanne (Pokémon)
- Rubí Fantasma
- Rumia
- Rygar
- Ryomen Sukuna
- Sage (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Sam (Evil Dead: Regeneration)
- Samus Aran
- Satoru Gojo
- Scott Pilgrim
- Scott Wozniak
- Secre Swallowtail
- Senjumaru Shutara
- Sephiroth
- Sewaddle
- Shadow Queen
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Shawlong Koufang
- Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryūsai
- Silver Surfer
- Silver the Hedgehog
- Simon Henriksson
- Snatcher
- Sol Badguy
- Son Gohan
- Son Goku (DBS Anime)
- Son Goku (Dragonball Evolution Trilogía de Novelas)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Personaje)
- Spider-Man (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Stanford Pines
- Steven Universe (Personaje)
- Subject 0
- Suguru Geto
- Sun Wukong (Mitología)
- Super Saiyajin Infinito
- Supreme (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Susie (Deltarune)
- Syakesan
- Sōsuke Aizen
- Tabula Smaragdina
- Tatsumiya
- Thanos (Tierra-616)
- Thanos (Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel)
- The Weaver (World of Darkness)
- Thor (Tierra-616)
- Tier Harribel
- Tifa Lockhart
- Time Eater
- Toros Negros
- Tortugas Ninja (TMNT 2012)
- Touch Me
- Trunks del Futuro (Xeno)
- Tōshirō Hitsugaya (Post-Timeskip)
- Tōshirō Hitsugaya (Pre-Timeskip)